Saturday, 7 April 2018


From the Forgebane set I've built an Armiger Warglaive, there's two in the box so I built one as standard and I'll do some alterations on the second one just so the army hasn't any clones in it. This is the colour scheme I'm going to run with, I like the black and bone combination, I've magnetised the chain sword as I may want to run these guys as shooty dudes, with the imminent release of the Imperial Knights codex there will be alternate weapons and I want to keep my options open for them. The melta on the top is magnetised too, I may swop it out for a heavy bolter if I need longer range shooting.

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From the Forgebane set I've built an Armiger Warglaive, there's two in the box so I built one as standard and I'll do some alter...